Hi! My name is Abigail but you can call me Abbi; as long as you spell it with an "i". I love writing and this is a place for me to do that. If you would like to follow along you're welcome to. Here's a little about myself: I'm a Christian, book lover, adventurer, aspiring author, and ice cream addict; especially chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Also I love m&m's. Like LOVE! If I eat them I suddenly get super talkative and slap happy. Some people call it a sugar rush... I call it "living life to the fullest". I hope to share my adventures, favorite books, writing tips, and anything that Jesus puts on my heart that will be encouraging to someone. Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Romans 5:8

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Expectation vs. Reality

 Picture this: You wake up in the morning feeling refreshed from your night of beauty sleep, you hop out of bed and glance in the mirror; you smile at what you see. You grab an outfit, throw it on, workout, and eat a healthy, filling breakfast before heading out to start your perfect day.

 Sounds nice doesn't it? But you know as well as I do that the "perfect day" doesn't exist. We wake up to our alarm and want to go back to sleep, we have to drag ourselves out of bed and try on a million different outfits before finally deciding on one (ok maybe not everyone tries on a million... ;) ). Workout?? What's that?? Healthy breakfast? You mean the bowl of cereal or granola bar I grabbed on my way out the door?

 Weather it's spilling your coffee, lost keys, a dead car, traffic, annoying co-workers or boss, a fight with a friend or sibling, etc. we all have bad days. We all have struggles. None of us have a "perfect day". Yes, we have good days, we might even have really good days, but we all have bad days. We can try to act like our life is totally put together and perfect but we all know it's not. So you know what the best thing to do is?

Embrace it.

 That's right. Let the real you show. The imperfect, messy, sad, angry, clothes-stained YOU. Let the imperfections show as well as the good. The happy, laughing, pretty, kind, successful, YOU.

 God gave us the good days as well as the bad! And we need to embrace them. I'm not saying it'll be easy, but it will be worth it in the end. I promise you!

 If we never had bad days we wouldn't know how to appreciate the good! If all we had were good days, we'd be used to it and not know any different. We wouldn't appreciate having a good day. We wouldn't be thankful for the good!

 God uses the bad days to teach us things. We might not realize it, but He does! It might just be to remind us to appreciate the good days, or it might be something different! He is using you. And in order to get from point A to point B, we have to have some bad days. It's a part of life.

 We've got to learn to push through, trusting in God as we do so. His plan is the best, even though we may not be able to see it at the moment, one day we'll look back and say, "That's why!"

 We have hope for a better tommorrow, as long as Jesus is a part of it! We can cling to this hope every. single. day. Because Jesus will never leave us. He's with us on the good days and He's with us on the bad days. Always. Never forget that.

 Maybe you're having a bad day, maybe you're having a good day, maybe you're having an "eh" kind of day. Whatever it is, make sure you thank God that you're alive, that He's given you this day to use for His glory, that He is with you, and that He's always been with you and always will.

 Don't forget to remember the little things like just being alive in this moment. It sounds like such a small thing but God has given you LIFE RIGHT NOW!! You're breathing BECAUSE OF HIM!! Every day, thank Him for that! Even if you're having a bad day, remember that better days are coming, that there's a reason for your struggle and, with God's help, you CAN overcome it!

 Jesus loves YOU!!

"Never regret a day in your life: good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories." -Unknown

"But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble." Psalm 59:16

"Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." Romans 5:3-4

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