Abbi with an I
Hi! My name is Abigail but you can call me Abbi; as long as you spell it with an "i". I love writing and this is a place for me to do that. If you would like to follow along you're welcome to. Here's a little about myself: I'm a Christian, book lover, adventurer, aspiring author, and ice cream addict; especially chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Also I love m&m's. Like LOVE! If I eat them I suddenly get super talkative and slap happy. Some people call it a sugar rush... I call it "living life to the fullest". I hope to share my adventures, favorite books, writing tips, and anything that Jesus puts on my heart that will be encouraging to someone. Thanks for taking the time to read this!
Romans 5:8
Romans 5:8
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Just a Note
Hey guys! So... it's been a while... sometimes I sit at my laptop and just try to rack my brain for something to write about for this blog. Sometimes it's hard because I'm not motivated, inspired, focused, etc. But the more I think about it, the more I don't want to write just because "I said I'd have something to post every other week". I want to write because I truly believe God has placed something on my heart that will inspire someone somewhere. My space here is not very big, but it doesn't need to be. If my writing encourages one person one time, then that's enough. That would make it all worthwhile.
So from now on, I'm gonna write and post when I feel led to; when I hear God tell me to "write this" and "post that". It could be twice in a week or once in a month. I guess we'll find out together! ;)
Today though, I want to leave you with a little encouragement:
Don't be afraid. That thing that you hear God telling you to do, do it. It's that simple. DO. IT. God's got your back. If He's calling you to do something that seems impossible, I assure you it is most definitely NOT impossible. He has equipped you to do the things He's called you to do. Even though it might not seem like it now, He has. Years from now you'll look back and more than likely see how the puzzle pieces of your life have fit together. How you needed that person in your life at that moment. How, because plans got canceled, something even better happened. In the moment it's hard for us to see the finished product, but you know who can? JESUS. He sees the future. He sees our every move. He's with us every moment of every single day! Why would we ever need to worry? The answer is simple: Because we're human. But we also need to remind ourselves that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins. We can put our trust in HIM and not worry anymore! How cool is that?
Do something that challenges you today. Something that brings you out of your comfort zone. Make a new friend. Do a random act of kindness. Do that thing that scares you but makes you excited all at once. Do it.
God's got YOU.
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Travel Diary: Entry 2
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Washington, 2019 |
Dear Travel Diary,
I just love Washington! The weather is fantastic, the scenery is beautiful... and some of my favorite people live there!
I went to Washington for my best friend's graduation. Her family used to live in Missouri and they moved a little over four years ago. They are really missed by their friends in Missouri!
Two of my friends came with me to Washington. Jessi, and Savanna, and I stayed up all night at their house while they finished packing. We left at two a.m. and headed for the airport where our flight took off at six. I spent the four hour flight attempting to sleep as much as I could. Having a window seat definitely made it easier and I found out that a hood helps so much (travel tips by Abbi ;))! My favorite part was flying over the mountains! I don't think I could ever get tired of watching the scenery from an airplane window; especially if it involves mountains!
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The view from my window. Gorgeous am I right?! |
Because of the time change, we landed in Seattle a little before 8:30 a.m. where we were picked up by the Berkey's!! Since it was morning, we were able to do so much that day! Savanna had never been to the Berkey's town so we kinda took a little tour.
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Birch Bay, Washington with me amigos <3 |
The week was filled with so many graduation festivities: a baccalaureate service, two different graduation ceremonies, and five graduation parties! One of the party's was for Ellie but the others were her friend's who were also graduating so we just became honorary members of the family and tagged along.
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Baccalaureate service |
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Graduation ceremony |
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So proud of you!! You did it! |
We spent the week staying up late, laughing, eating lots of ice cream, breathing in helium, car dance parties, and just enjoying our time together. It was a week to remember.
It's so weird to look back and remember when/how we met. It was at church when I was five or six years old! Who knew the bond we'd form and the memories we'd make! I thank God for giving me the friends He knew I needed. I may be biased but I've got the best friends everrrrr! ;)
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"There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family." |
Of course, our time came to an end all too soon and it was time to say goodbye. Goodbyes are always so hard; at least this time we knew we'd see each other again this summer. I'm counting the days already!
I love you Berkey's!! Thanks for letting us crash graduation week! I had a blast.
"A friend loves at all times." Proverbs17:17
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
God's Got a Plan
Isn't it cool how God is always there for us? We can just be like, "Hey, God," and He's there! He hears us! He's ALWAYS there!! We can talk to Him about anything and He'll listen to us. We can ask Him anything. We can ask for anything. And He listens.
He. Hears. YOU.
Now, I said we could ask for anything... but that doesn't mean that God will give us anything we ask for.
A verse I really like is this: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28
What I get out of that is this: We can ask God for anything. We can tell Him anything. We can ask all the questions we want. And God will listen. But that doesn't mean He'll give us whatever we ask for. And I know that can be hard. But that verse tells us that God works for the good of those who love Him! So even when God's answer isn't what we want to hear... HE knows the end result and HE knows what's best! You see, He knows what it is that we need. And He loves us enough to give it to us even when it's not what we want.
It's like when a child wants candy but the thing is, that same child has already had enough to where you know if they have more, they'll be sick. The child doesn't understand why you're saying no. They don't understand that they'll be sick if they have more, so they're unhappy. But when they get older, they understand. They realize that all along, you knew better. They get it.
It's the same with us. We're God's children. He's the Father who's telling us, if we get that thing that we asked for, it won't be good for us. The outcome isn't a part of His plan He specifically designed for you. We might not understand it right now, but in the end, I promise, you'll look back and see that this was the better plan all along. That is was better than anything you could ever have came up with on your own. God knows what He's doing. We just have to let go and trust.
It can be hard at times. But we have to remind ourselves that God knows our path in life and it's amazing. It's unique. And you're gonna love it. But it all starts with trust.
I can think up the life I want; play by play. I could give you the details of how I'd like to spend my time on earth. I can tell you my dream life. But I also know that if it's not what God has in mind for me, I won't find happiness. It won't actually be my dream life. Even though it looks perfect in my head, God knows the future. HE knows what's best. And even though I know it'll be hard at times, I'm willing to let it go and trust God. I'll follow Him through life and go where He leads me. Will it include my "dream life"? Maybe. I'm not sure. I can't see the future. But because I know God can and because I know He loves me so much, I can trust Him. I can trust Him to lead me and I can be content being the follower.
He's my creator. He's the King. He's the creator of the world. He's the one who died to save me. He performed miracles. He was raised from the dead. He prepared a perfect place for those who love Him, to go one day. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather entrust my life to. There's no one else I'd rather follow.
"Commit your ways to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him, do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret- it leads only to evil. For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land." Psalm 37:5-9
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Godly Sorrow
Hey lovely people!
I was reading this verse in 2 Corinthians 7:10 the other day. It says, "Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death."
I thought that was interesting. I read it a few times, trying to wrap my mind around it but it turned out to be pretty simple. Here's what I got out of it:
sorrow: a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others.
So what is worldly sorrow? Well, I think it's being sad or disappointed about something that doesn't really matter: someone didn't do exactly what you wanted them to so now you're mad at them, your favorite shirt has a hole in it (fun fact: this happened to be just the other day :( ), your sibling is being really annoying, you have a chore to do that you don't feel up to, your plans for the evening didn't work out, that guy you like didn't ask you out, you didn't make that team, you didn't get that job... the list goes on and on and on! Get the picture?
God doesn't want us to focus on the petty disappointments in life. Sure, you thought that job was your future and you got rejected. You thought that guy was the man of your dreams. It didn't work out. You planned on going out for a night with friends but your car won't start. Guess what? It wasn't God's plan. So don't waste your time wallowing in self-pity.
Recognize the fact that it wasn't meant to be and move on.
We need to spend our limited time thinking about things more meaningful than the small disappointments in life. Trust me, there will be plenty of those and we don't have time to stress about each one.
But read that verse again. It talks about godly sorrows. Big difference from worldly sorrows.
Godly sorrows consists of things that would bring sorrow to God: someone who's not a Christian or is falling away from God, injustices (human trafficking, abortion, etc.), someone who's not content with the gender that God created them to be, orphans, widows... this list could go on too. God wants us to spend our sorrow on these issues; praying and doing what we can to help.
I know it can be hard, but I also know that if it doesn't make God sad, I don't want to waste my time crying over it. But, we are human. I'm not saying we won't have days where we can't help being disappointed in something. I'm saying that we need to ask ourselves, "Is this really worth spending my time on? Is this really worth getting upset about?" And sometimes, the answer might be no but we still cry about it; we are still disappointed. But I hope that we'll get over it; that we can move on, knowing that God is in control and that it wasn't meant to be.
Rememeber, God's plan is the best plan. And He's got a path designed specifically for you! So, the next time you're disappointed, the next time something doesn't go your way, try letting it go and thanking God that it didn't happen. Something I like to do is say, "Well at least this (something much worse) didn't happen!" And I gotta say it helps! If not only just to lighten the mood. :P
Remind yourself that God's got this.
Because He absolutely does!
Let's focus our disappointments on godly sorrows. We'll have a much more fruitful and fulfilling life if we do.
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans." Proverbs 16:3
"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." Proverbs 16:9
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Expectation vs. Reality
Picture this: You wake up in the morning feeling refreshed from your night of beauty sleep, you hop out of bed and glance in the mirror; you smile at what you see. You grab an outfit, throw it on, workout, and eat a healthy, filling breakfast before heading out to start your perfect day.
Sounds nice doesn't it? But you know as well as I do that the "perfect day" doesn't exist. We wake up to our alarm and want to go back to sleep, we have to drag ourselves out of bed and try on a million different outfits before finally deciding on one (ok maybe not everyone tries on a million... ;) ). Workout?? What's that?? Healthy breakfast? You mean the bowl of cereal or granola bar I grabbed on my way out the door?
Weather it's spilling your coffee, lost keys, a dead car, traffic, annoying co-workers or boss, a fight with a friend or sibling, etc. we all have bad days. We all have struggles. None of us have a "perfect day". Yes, we have good days, we might even have really good days, but we all have bad days. We can try to act like our life is totally put together and perfect but we all know it's not. So you know what the best thing to do is?
Embrace it.
That's right. Let the real you show. The imperfect, messy, sad, angry, clothes-stained YOU. Let the imperfections show as well as the good. The happy, laughing, pretty, kind, successful, YOU.
God gave us the good days as well as the bad! And we need to embrace them. I'm not saying it'll be easy, but it will be worth it in the end. I promise you!
If we never had bad days we wouldn't know how to appreciate the good! If all we had were good days, we'd be used to it and not know any different. We wouldn't appreciate having a good day. We wouldn't be thankful for the good!
God uses the bad days to teach us things. We might not realize it, but He does! It might just be to remind us to appreciate the good days, or it might be something different! He is using you. And in order to get from point A to point B, we have to have some bad days. It's a part of life.
We've got to learn to push through, trusting in God as we do so. His plan is the best, even though we may not be able to see it at the moment, one day we'll look back and say, "That's why!"
We have hope for a better tommorrow, as long as Jesus is a part of it! We can cling to this hope every. single. day. Because Jesus will never leave us. He's with us on the good days and He's with us on the bad days. Always. Never forget that.
Maybe you're having a bad day, maybe you're having a good day, maybe you're having an "eh" kind of day. Whatever it is, make sure you thank God that you're alive, that He's given you this day to use for His glory, that He is with you, and that He's always been with you and always will.
Don't forget to remember the little things like just being alive in this moment. It sounds like such a small thing but God has given you LIFE RIGHT NOW!! You're breathing BECAUSE OF HIM!! Every day, thank Him for that! Even if you're having a bad day, remember that better days are coming, that there's a reason for your struggle and, with God's help, you CAN overcome it!
Jesus loves YOU!!
"Never regret a day in your life: good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories." -Unknown
"But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble." Psalm 59:16
"Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." Romans 5:3-4
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Unplanned: Movie Review
Hello friends! I'm back and feeling refreshed! I hope your week is going great!
First of all I want to say that this movie is a MUST SEE! I know it's hard to watch and I know it's rated R... BUT I truly believe it is something people NEED to see!
I read about Unplanned on Plugged In and you can too here: .
After reading the review I was a little nervous to watch the movie. The review was definitely thorough. I learned a few things I didn't even know about abortion just by reading the review and let me tell you I was sickened and sad. How can people be so blind to the fact that they're killing babies? Which brings me to the next thing.
Yes, it's rated R. And I know that's a problem for a lot people. BUT! There is a reason. This movie is about abortion. It's about killing babies. That is something for a mature audience. I tend to think that if a movie is rated PG 13, some parents think it's perfectly fine for their little children to watch. If you look at some movies that are rated PG 13, for example, the Marvel movies, I think someone younger than thirteen could watch some of them. I mean there's violence but it's all fake; it's made up. However, I do think caution should be used but I won't get into that now.
The difference is that Unplanned is a REAL story. It's reality! It's the awful truth.
Unplanned is not your typical R rated movie to be sure. But I truly believe it deserved an R rating, even if it is to show people just how TERRIBLE abortion is.
For example, at one point in the movie we see the ultrasound screen during an abortion. We see a baby on that screen and watch as the abortion is performed and the baby is sucked out limb by limb. Awful. Gruesome. Sickening. Horrible. Heart wrenching. How many other words could I come up with? It made me want to jump out of my seat and scream at that doctor. To stop this dreadful act of murder. To end abortion forever. But I couldn't. It was only a movie... but you know what? It's NOT only a movie. It's REALITY! It's the terrible truth of the world we live in! This movie is based off the TRUE story of Abby Johnson. And that scene right there is the main reason I believe it deserved an R rating. We need to realize just how violent and awful abortion is! We need to realize it in a way that will make us get up and DO something about it! How would you like it if you had been aborted? How would you like it if someone ripped you apart limb by limb? Not a pretty picture is it? THAT'S why it's rated R.
This movie also shows us the different forms of protesting. The violent and mean protestors who shout terrible things at the women going into the clinic and then there's the others. The ones who stand quietly and pray, who kindly try to befriend the girls going into the clinic. And THAT is what helped Abby. THAT is what helped other girls and saved so many babies. Prayer. Kindness. Friendliness. If all people did was tell us what we're doing wrong... how would we like it? I can tell you for a fact we wouldn't. Kindness is how we make friends. And friendship is how we build a trust strong enough with someone to help them through a situation like abortion. To kindly tell them what God thinks about it and how they shouldn't go through with it. Prayer is so powerful and it is how we should deal with these things.
Now, I've always believed that abortion is wrong. But this movie made my belief even stronger. Now that I know more about it, now that I know details, it has inspired me so much to stand up against abortion and END IT forever!
All throughout history we can read about people who took a stand against injustices. One example that immediately comes to my mind is the Civil War. People stood up against slavery because they knew it was wrong! They disobeyed the law and became a part of the Underground Railroad, hiding slaves and helping them escape because they knew it was the right thing to do! Well guess what? WE are called to do the same thing TODAY! To stand up for what we believe in! To take a stand against the injustices of the world today! It is no different for us than it was for people in the past. They had to decide for themselves what side they were on and we have to decide too!
So would I recommend this movie? Absolutely! I think everyone needs to see it. Even if you think abortion is okay, please go watch this movie. What harm could it do to watch it?
And for the ones who are against abortion, will you take a stand? Will you raise the voice God has given you to help these babies who can't speak for themselves? The choice is yours.
"For You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:13-16
Jesus has a plan for each baby before they are even born! And each one that has been aborted didn't get the chance to live the life God had planned for them. Let's change that!
"When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit." "'As soon as the sounds of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy." Luke 1:41 and 44
Need I say anything? The baby leaped in her womb! The baby was a... baby! Even before he was born!
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." Proverbs 31:8
God is calling us to speak up for those babies!
"I, even I, am He who blots out transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more." Isaiah 43:25
God will forgive you if you have had an abortion. He loves you so much and He wants you to repent and live your life for Him!
How are you going to help end abortion?
"I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born." Ronald Reagan
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Let's Laugh
1 a: to show emotion (such as joy) with a chuckle or explosive vocal sound
b: to find amusement or pleasure in something
c: to become amused
2 a: to produce the sound or appearance of laughter
b: to be a kind that inspires joy
Happy National Let's Laugh Day! Look at that definition again. Notice 2b in particular: To be a kind that inspires joy. I just love that. Don't you want to be someone who inspires joy to those around you? I mean, think for a minute. How would you like it if you inspired sadness, anger, or anxiety in those around you? I, for one, wouldn't like it. My sister makes fun of me (in a good way ;)) for trying to find the positive in every situation... and I mean every situation! But I'm just trying to bring out the positive so we can move on with joy and not any other negative emotion. Now, don't get me wrong. I have my bad days. But if we try to find the joy in everything, even the smallest little problem we have, we'll probably be living a happier life!
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." James 1:2-3
Don't take my word for it though. You see, even the Bible tells us to consider it pure joy whenever we face trials.
What is something you are struggling with? Think for a minute. Okay. Now, think of something positive about your situation. It might just be, "I know God has something good in mind" or it might be, "At least it's not _________ (something worse)". Either way, I know there is a positive to whatever you're going through because God has our best interests in mind. Even though it might not seem like it at the time, I promise He has something wonderful in store for you. It might not be what you expect or what you think you want, but it will be what's best for you in the end.
"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13
Read the story about Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-42. Jesus tells Martha that only one thing is needed. We need Jesus. If we have Him, we have everything.
"'Martha, Martha,' the Lord answered, 'you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed- or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.'" Luke 10:41-42
Stop worrying and look to Jesus instead. This is what He wants you to do. He wants you to talk to Him, to tell Him about the bad things as well as the good. He wants you to be full of joy.
"'As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commands and remain in His love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.'" John 15:9-11
"The prospect of the righteous is joy, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing." Proverbs 10:28
Joy. Remember that word. God wants us to have joy. He wants our joy to be complete. Next time you feel sad, remember that. God wants you to be filled with joy.
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22
Be cheerful. Find the positive. And make someone laugh today, since it is National Let's Laugh Day!
"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25
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Just a Note
Hey guys! So... it's been a while... sometimes I sit at my laptop and just try to rack my brain for something to write about for thi...

Why do we, as Christians, not talk about Jesus every second of every day?? I've thought about this many times and wondered if I'...
Hello friends! I'm back and feeling refreshed! I hope your week is going great! First of all I want to say that this movie i...
Dear Jesus, How are you? I'm doing pretty good. Life is cool. Sometimes it's hard and weird though. Sometimes I'm sad...