Hi! My name is Abigail but you can call me Abbi; as long as you spell it with an "i". I love writing and this is a place for me to do that. If you would like to follow along you're welcome to. Here's a little about myself: I'm a Christian, book lover, adventurer, aspiring author, and ice cream addict; especially chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Also I love m&m's. Like LOVE! If I eat them I suddenly get super talkative and slap happy. Some people call it a sugar rush... I call it "living life to the fullest". I hope to share my adventures, favorite books, writing tips, and anything that Jesus puts on my heart that will be encouraging to someone. Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Romans 5:8

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Dear Jesus, Love Beth

Dear Jesus,

How are you?  I'm doing pretty good.  Life is cool.  Sometimes it's hard and weird though.  Sometimes I'm sad.  But more often than that, I'm happy.  I know you are right beside me all of the time and I remind myself of that whenever I'm having a hard day... which has been happening more often lately.  In life there's so much pressure to find a career, get married, and have kids.  Isn't there more to life than that?  What about traveling and seeing the beautiful world that you created?  What about finding my purpose?  What about living my life glorifying you?  Why are people always asking me about my love life?  Why can't I spend more time with my friends and that not be weird?  Why can't I always live in the moment?  Why can't I always be inspired?  These thoughts enter my head all. the. time.  I want to know what it is you have planned for me.  Patience is hard.




Dear Beth,

I'm good.  Thanks for asking.

Your questions are all normal.  Everyone has questions and doubts.  I am right beside you every. single. moment. of every single day.  Don't ever forget that.

Don't feel pressure from others.  My thoughts are what matter, not anyone else's.  Please me, and if others aren't happy then don't worry about it.

There is more to life than those things.  My plan for you exceeds anything that anyone else could ever plan for you.  I had my plan for you even before you were formed in the womb.  You have a purpose.  A purpose that is unique for you and only you.  And in my time, I will reveal that purpose.  It may not all be at once.  It may be gradually until, one day you look back and suddenly, it all becomes clear.  I've been shaping you for your purpose since before you were born.  Just keep living your life glorifying me.  Be a light in the midst of the darkness of the Earth.

You have a heart for travel.  I know that because I created you with a sense of adventure.  Follow me and you'll have an adventure of a lifetime.

You can be friends with anyone.  Don't live your life worrying about what others will think of you.  If you obey me and live your life for me then it's okay.  Don't worry.  I created humans to be friends with each other.  Don't forget to include the person who doesn't have friends or who is sitting alone.  Kindness is never a bad thing.

If you always lived in the moment and were always inspired, then you would never appreciate the joy of these things.  Sometimes, I will choose a specific moment to reveal to you how cool your life is or how much I love you.  Sometimes, I will use something as small as the birds chirping or sometimes as big as the night sky full of bright, shining stars to inspire you.  If you always felt that way, you would never appreciate the beauty of those moments.

And lastly, patience is hard.  You are human.  I would expect nothing more.  But remember me in the good times as well as the hard times.  I will teach you patience as you grow in life.  You will learn patience, wisdom, love, peace, and many more things that will all come in time.  Be patient, my child.

I love you more than you know.


Your Father


Dear Jesus,

I received your letter and it made me feel better.  Your words give me peace and fill me with joy.  I do have another question though.  Why doesn't everyone write to you?  Why doesn't everyone talk to you all the time?  It's really easy actually.  I just write down all of my thoughts and questions and you answer them.  Don't others realize how much you love them?  I have my hard days, there's no doubt about it, but talking to you is what makes it better!  Do others know this?  Should I tell them?

I love you.




Dear Beth,

I'm glad you're doing better.  But remember to be on your guard.  The enemy is always close by, waiting for you to drop you guard and then he will pounce on you.  Keep your eyes on me.

It is easy to talk to me.  But some people don't realize that.  They're scared to start.  They need someone to encourage them.  That is your job.  I want people to come to me.  I want them to know of my love for them.  I want to hear their thoughts the way you tell me yours.  You have to tell people about me.  You have to tell them that I love them so much.  And, in doing so, you may just change someone's life.  It makes me sad to see so many people who push my love away.  But you can help change that.  That is part of your purpose in life.  Spread the news of my love everywhere you can.

Don't lose hope.




Dear Jesus,

That's sad that some people don't realize that you love them.  But there are so many people!  How can I tell everyone about you?  That sounds like such a big job!  Surely you've got the wrong person!  What can I do?  Please answer as soon as possible because I'm really worried about this.




Dear Beth,

I understand your worry.  But you have misunderstood.  This isn't just your job.  This is the job of everyone who loves me.  I know there are a lot of people.  I don't expect you to tell everyone on Earth about me.  Just as many people as you can.  Even if you're only able to tell one person that I love them, it's worth it.  I love each person so much.  I would die just for you, the way I did for everyone.  Every single person matters to me more than anyone knows.  Just tell one person.

I love you always.




Dear Jesus,

I told someone!  I told her that you love her!  It was easier than I thought... a little awkward at first, but totally worth it!  It made me feel so good too!  She said she is going to write to you!  I'm so excited!  Thank you for the encouragement.

I love you.




Dear Beth,

Good job!  The girl you talked to has been writing me.  I am so proud of you.  Now that you have told one, tell another.  Just focus on one person at a time and, if the opportunity arises, you may be telling more than one person.  Always trust in me and it will be alright.

And remember to write me about the good times as well as the bad.  You need me just as much on your good days as you do on the bad.

I love you, my child.




  I wrote this correspondance between a girl named Beth and Jesus because I just got the idea in my head of writing Jesus a letter; of having Jesus as a pen pal.  I had many pen pals growing up and some of them have turned into my best friends.  Beth's questions came from my own mind and from other people's struggles that I have heard of.  I just started writing and this is was happened.  I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you realize that you really can talk to Jesus any time you want.  Sometimes it may take a while for His answer to come but He always hears you.  Remember that.  He wants to hear from you.

"The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their cry;" Psalm 34:15

"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." 1 John 5:14

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

My Top Five Favorite Songs

Silver Falls, Oregon

  Hey peeps!  How's your week going so far?  A blizzard (basically ;P) hit us on Saturday so that's great.  I love snow but I think I'm ready for spring now (aka the reason for that beautiful picture above;)).  Anyways, today I'll be talking about my top five favorite songs.  I love music and I actually play the piano.  I tried the guitar out once and, as much as I would love to play it, I don't really think it's for me.  I also tried the banjo once but never really committed to it.  I do know the beginning to "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" on the violin!  I can play "Twinkle, twinkle" and... that's it!  Piano has always been the instrument for me I guess.  And while I'm by no means a pro at piano I try to keep practicing and learning new songs.  So let's get on with it!

   Number 1: "Old Friends" by Ben Rector

Ahhh!! This song gets me every time!  It gives you all the feels and is probably my number one favorite song.  Some people when listening to it may think it's a sad song but I don't really think so.  It reminds me of all the memories I've made over the years with my friends.  Yes, it also reminds me of the times I've cried because I miss my friends that live far away (shoutout to the Berkey's!) but more than that it reminds me of all the good times we've had together and the many more to come.  Definitely a good song and worth checking out!

  Number 2: "Dream Small" by Josh Wilson

This one is a good reminder to remember the small things.  I try to live my life in the moment and not let the simple things fly by because years from now we'll realize that it was the small things that brought us to where we are now.  As a person who has big dreams and is just a small person in this big world it reminds me to take a step back and take in the small things of life and not take them for granted.

  Number 3: "Be Brave" by Owl City

I had to have at least one Owl City song on this list right?  This one is by far my absolute favorite Owl City song and might just always be.  Of course I also love "Fireflies" and "New York City" but "Be Brave" just gives me the feels.  Go listen to it and you'll know what I mean!

  Number 4: "Adventure" by Matthew Parker

Honestly, I came across this song while searching YouTube for some traveling/wanderlust songs.  Last spring my family of ten went on a trip in an RV for my dad's work and we were gone for seven weeks!  So obviously, I had to have some adventure songs to listen to during that time.  Definitely a good one for anyone's adventure playlist!

   Number 5: "Sparrows" by Jason Gray

*sigh* This one is a good reminder that Jesus cares about each one of us so much.  If He cares about even the sparrows then how much more does He care about us?  The ones He created in His own image!  He created each one of us differently and came to earth to die for us while we were still sinners!  If that doesn't show His love for us then I don't know what does!


I couldn't possibly make any list of my favorite songs without adding that!  It's a great movie with an even greater soundtrack!  Every single song is on my regular playlist and I don't think I'll ever get tired of them.  No, I don't listen to only those songs on repeat like I did when the movie first came out but I still listen to them quite a bit. ;)

  And there you have it.  My top five favorite songs right now.  I hope you check them out and love them just as much as I do!  Until next week!

  "The beautiful thing is, music can be like a time machine.  One song- the lyrics, the melody, the mood- can take you back to a moment in time like nothing else can." -Unknown

  Let me know your favorite songs and which one of these is your favorite in the comments below!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Why do we go to Church?

  Why do we go to church?  Have you ever asked yourself that question?  How would you answer if someone came up to you and asked that?  I mean, think about it.  Every Sunday we go to a designated building, we sing and then sit and listen to someone talk about some man that lived hundreds of years ago.  To a non-Christian that would sound crazy!  To anyone it would sound crazy... except for the fact that "that man" is Jesus.  He's not just anyone that we talk about every Sunday.  He's our Creater, our Savior, our Father, and our King.  He alone is worthy enough for us to take the time out of our week to praise and worship and learn more about Him. 

  The bible doesn't say that we have to go to church every Sunday in order to be a Christian.  But it does say in Hebrews 10:24-25: "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching."  God wants us to gather together so that we may encourage each other in Him.  If we always kept to ourselves we may grow bored of our faith because we are not getting encouragement from other believers. 

  Jesus also says in Matthew 18:20: "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."  This is another reason why we go to church.  To gather together in Christ's name so that we can pray together and worship Him.  He is always with us and we should never forget that, but gathering with other believers can encourage us in our faith; bringing us closer to God in the process.

  So why the singing?  Well let me tell you... or better yet let the bible tell you: "Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts." (Colossians 3:16)  And also in Psalm 150:

"Praise the Lord.

Praise God in His sanctuary;

praise Him in His mighty heavens.

Praise Him for His acts of power;

praise Him for His surpassing greatness.

Praise Him with the sounding of the trumpet,

praise Him with the harp and lyre,

praise Him with timbrel and dancing,

praise Him with the strings and pipe,

praise Him with the clash of cymbals.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord."

  I think singing is a great form of worship.  The music just really gets me in the zone for praising God.  I go to a little country church and, while we don't exactly have trumpets, dancing, and cymbals, we do sing and I enjoy it.  But what I really love is when I'm in my car and I turn on the radio or put my playlist on shuffle and that perfect song comes on.  That song that just really speaks to your heart.  I love turning the volume up and singing along or just listening and letting the words soak into my soul.  It's a wonderful feeling.

  So, why do I go to church?  To start my week off worshipping and learning more about my Savior.  The one who created me and came to earth to die and save me from my sins.  The one who loves me even when I mess up.  My Father. My King. 

  I would encourage you to gather with fellow believers around you and encourage each other in Jesus.  To worship God with your whole heart.  To block out any distractions and use that time to focus on God and God alone.  And don't just do it on Sundays!  Every day of every week, every second of every hour, remember that God is always with you.  He will never leave you.  He is worthy of your worship.  He alone is worthy.

  "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ." Romans 10:17


  P.S. Today I was driving home and "Only Jesus" by Casting Crowns came on and it's so good! I definitely recommend checking it out!

P.P.S. Also, it snowed here in Missouri this past weekend!  Pictured above is some snow melting off the pine trees at my house.  It's beautiful isn't it?💙

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

"Stolen": A Book Review

  Hello friends!  So since it's National Human Trafficking Awarerness month I decided to do a book review on a book I just finished about a survivor of sex trafficking.  It's called "Stolen" by Katariina Rosenblatt with Cecil Murphey.  It is a true story about Katariina and how she was lured into a child trafficking ring but also how she escaped and turned her life around for the better.
  From the back cover: "Katariina Rosenblatt, LLM, PhD, is living proof of the promise she heard long ago at a Billy Graham crusade that God would never forsake her.  Katariina has a PhD in conflict analysis and resolution and an LLM graduate law degree in intercultural human rights, and she works closely with law enforcement agencies such as the FBI and Homeland Security to eliminate human slavery.  She also founded Stolen Ones- There Is H.O.P.E. For Me, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to freeing other victims of human trafficking..."

  This book really moved me and showed me how human trafficking really can happen anywhere.  Katariina was young and vulnerable.  She had grown up in an abusive household and she just wanted to be loved and that made her the perfect choice.  Recruiters for human trafficking will often show that they care for and love the victim in order to trick them into human trafficking.  That's why, when a young lady "befriended" Katariina and pretended she cared about and loved her, it was easy for her to fall into the trap of modern day slavery at the age of thirteen. 

  Fortunately, God had a plan for Katariina and is now using her story to help others trapped in human trafficking.  Just like He has a plan for you and me.  He had His perfect plan for us even before He formed us in the womb.  We just have to be willing to listen and follow Him.  I'm not saying it'll always be easy.  For sure no!  But it will be worth it because Jesus will be right beside us every step of the way, guiding us down the path we call life.

  I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn more about human trafficking.  It is very inspiring and informative but it's also filled with content that may be innappropriate for anyone under the age of thirteen.  I would recommend a parent's approval before reading this book if you are under the age of thirteen.

  "They [victims of modern day slavery] need a voice- a voice for the voiceless in our society." -Katariina Rosenblatt from her book: "Stolen"

  "The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners," Isaiah 61:1

  "The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8

  "For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to proser you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Dressember 2018

   A new year has come and December has come to a close.  Or in my case Dressember!  Did you know that there are estimated to be forty million slaves in the world TODAY?  Wow!  That's the population of New York City, Los Angeles, London, Chicago, Toronto, Bangkok, Houston, and Sydney COMBINED!  There are more people living in slavery today than at any other time in history.  The term for modern day slavery is Human Trafficking and many people have come together this Dressember to help END IT.  Human Trafficking is estimated to bring in $150 billion dollars annually and ten billion of that is estimated to be in the United States alone.  If you combine the earnings from Facebook, Disney, Google, Microsoft, and Apple you wouldn't even scratch the surface of that number.  That makes Human Trafficking the second largest criminal enterprise.  Every thirty seconds another person becomes a victim of human trafficking.  Seventy one percent of these are women and girls.  Even though human trafficking also impacts men, the majority of slaves today are women and girls where most are forced into marriage, sex slavery, or forced labor.  One fourth of modern day slaves are children.  This is WRONG!  And I believe that we can help change these statistics until all are free.  But what can I do?  What can you do?  All of these numbers and facts make it seem as if there is nothing that little old me can do to change the course of modern day slavery.  But there is!  This is why I participated in Dressember.  What is Dressember you may ask?  Well let me tell you.  It is committing to wearing a dress (or a tie if you're a guy(hey that rhymed!:P)) every day of December.  You're probably thinking, "How does a dress help?"  This is how: spreading awareness is step number one.  If no one knew about modern day slavery then no one could do anything about it.  So by wearing a dress every day you're bound to get questions asked.  "Why are you wearing a dress?"  And you reply by telling them about human trafficking.  You can post on social media, tell people in person, call, text, have others spread the word, anything to help spread awareness.  And that's not all.  At dressember2018.org you can donate or make your own free campaign page where people who want to sponsor you can donate to your page.  All of the money raised, Dressember puts towards rescuing people trapped in human trafficking and providing aftercare for them.  Dressember has raised over $5 million dollars since 2013!  And this year their goal is $3 million.  I believe with YOUR help we can reach that goal.  To donate go to dressember2018.org or go to their Instagram page and click the link in their bio.  EVERY dollar counts.  And you can even consider participating in Dressember!  I've known some people who have done it for a few years but I wasn't sure I could do it.  After all, committing to wearing a dress every single day for thirty-one days is a challenge!  Especially in winter!  But compared to what those forty million people who are trapped in human trafficking are going through it's a piece of cake.  So this year, along with some other friends, I decided to dive in and do it.  It went pretty well and you really CAN do anything in a dress!  Of course, I'm so glad to be back in my jeans today. ;)

  I wanted to share a little about why I felt drawn to the cause of Dressember.  Ever since I was little and became a bookworm I've LOVED any book that had anything to do with The Underground Railroad.  My favorite was the series by Lois Walfrid Johnson called "Freedom Seekers."  SO GOOD!  Reading the stories about the people who escaped their brutal lives as slaves, I always wished I had been alive then.  I would've been an abolitionist and been a part of The Underground Railroad.  I would've hidden slaves in my home and helped them escape to a better life; the life they should've been living all along.  But I didn't live then so I contented myself with reading books and imagining that I lived then... until I found out that slavery still exists; even in the United States!  And the fact that there are more slaves today than at any other time in history really caught my attention.  It is heartbreaking what is still going on and that not many people know about it or they know about it but think, "This wouldn't ever happen around here."  Well let me tell you that Human Trafficking happens everywhere.  We are called to stand up and raise our voices to stop these injustices.  In Proverbs 31:8 it says, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute."  I want to do just that.  The people trapped in Human Trafficking may not be able to speak up but I can.  We have been blessed with the gift of technology and a lot of the time it is not used right.  By using social media to help spread awareness and raise our voices we can make a stand against modern day slavery.  But still yet, I am just one person.  What can I do?  When I heard about Dressember it really got me excited that I could do something!  When Blythe Hill thought up the idea of Dressember she probably didn't realize just how big it would get.  But I'm glad she still did it.  She didn't let the thought that, "Human Trafficking is just too big of a problem to solve" stop her.  And I'm not going to let it stop me.  What about you?

The Dressember campaign continues through January which is National Human Trafficking Awareness month.  And when January ends it doesn't mean we stop either.  Our job is to keep fighting for what is right, to end what is wrong.  Let's raise our voices for the voiceless, let's fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.

"Let it not be said that I was silent when they needed me." -William Wilberforce

"Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." Hebrews 13:3

Just a Note

Hey guys!  So... it's been a while... sometimes I sit at my laptop and just try to rack my brain for something to write about for thi...